My Google scholar page can be found here.
Coupled Control Systems, applied to quadrupeds
- [Link] Coupled Control Lyapunov Functions for Interconnected Systems, with Application to Quadrupedal Locomotion, Wen-Loong Ma, Noel Csomay-Shanklin, Shishir Kolathaya, Kaveh Akbari Hamed and Aaron D. Ames. In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) + ICRA 2021.
- [Link] Coupled Control Systems: Periodic Orbit Generation with Application to Quadrupedal Locomotion, Wen-Loong Ma, Noel Csomay-Shanklin and Aaron D. Ames, In: L-CSS with CDC 2020 Option. Available at: arXiv: 2003.08507.
- [Link] Quadrupedal Robotic Walking on Sloped Terrains via Exact Decomposition into Coupled Bipedal Robots, Wen-Loong Ma, Noel Csomay-Shanklin and Aaron D. Ames, In: 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
Control + Dynamics on Quadrupeds
- [Link] From Bipedal Walking to Quadrupedal Locomotion: Full-Body Dynamics Decomposition for Rapid Gait Generation, Wen-Loong Ma and Aaron D. Ames. In: 2020 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Available at: arXiv:1909:08560.
- [Link] Distributed Feedback Controllers for Stable Cooperative Locomotion of Quadrupedal Robots: A Virtual Constraint Approach, Kaveh Akbari Hamed, Vinay kamidi, Abhishek Pandala, Wen-Loong Ma, Aaron D. Ames, In: American Control Conference (ACC 2020).
- [Link] First Steps Towards Full Model Based Motion Planning and Control of Quadrupeds: A Hybrid Zero Dynamics Approach, Wen-Loong Ma, Kaveh Akbari Hamed and Aaron D. Ames. In: the 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019).
- [Link] Hierarchical and Safe Motion Control for Cooperative Locomotion of Robotic Guide Dogs and Humans: A Hybrid Systems Approach, Kaveh Akbari Hamed, Vinay R. Kamidi, Wen-Loong Ma, Alexander Leonessa, and Aaron D. Ames. In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). Available at: arXiv:1904.03158.
- [Link] Hierarchical Feedback Control for Complex Hybrid Models of Multiagent Legged Robotic Systems, Kaveh Akbari Hamed , Wen-Loong Ma , Vinay R. Kamidi , and Aaron D. Ames.
- [Link] Dynamically Stable 3D Quadrupedal Walking with Multi-Domain Hybrid System Models and Virtual Constraint Controllers, Kaveh Akbari Hamed, Wen-Loong Ma, and Aaron D. Ames. In: American Control Conference (ACC 2019)
Control bipeds with Rigid & Compliant Dynamics
- [Link] Dynamic Walking with Compliance on a Cassie Bipedal Robot, JakeReher, Wen-Loong Ma, Aaron D. Ames. In: European Control Conference (in cooperation with IFAC) - ECC 2019
Report from CNET - [Link] Towards the Unification of System Design and Motion Synthesis for High-Performance Hopping Robots, Eric Ambrose, Wen-Loong Ma, and Aaron D. Ames. In: 2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
- [Link] Bipedal robotic running with DURUS-2D: bridging the gap between theory and experiment, W.Ma, S. Kolathaya, E.Ambrose, C.M. Hubicki, A.D.Ames, 20th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2017).
- [Link] Efficient HZD gait generation for three-dimensional underactuated humanoid running, W.Ma , A.Hereid , C.M. Hubicki and A.D. Ames, 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016), Daejeon, Korea.
Control, Data-Driven & Machine Learning
- [Link]Online Learning of Unknown Dynamics for Model-Based Controllers in Legged Locomotion. Y. Sun, W. L. Ubellacker, W. Ma, X. Zhang, C. Wang, N. V. Csomay-Shanklin, M. Tomizuka, K. Sreenath, and A. D. Ames. Submitted to: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters + IROS2021.
- [Link, video] Preference-Based Learning for User-Guided HZD Gait Generation on Bipedal Walking Robots, Maegan Tucker, Noel Csomay-Shanklin, Wen-Loong Ma and Aaron D. Ames. In: 2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
- [Link] Data-driven control for feedback linearizable single-input systems, Paulo Tabuada, Wen-Loong Ma, Jessy Grizzle, Aaron D. Ames, 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017).
- [Link] First steps toward formal controller synthesis for bipedal robots, A.D. Ames, P. Tabuada, B.Schürmann, W.Ma, S. Kolathaya, M.Rungger, J. Grizzle,18th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2015)
- [Link] First steps toward formal controller synthesis for bipedal robots with experimental implementation, A.D. Ames, P. Tabuada, A. Jones, W.Ma, S. Kolathaya, M.Rungger, B.Schürmann, S. Kolathaya, J. Grizzle, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, A journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control.
- [Link] Adaptive Cruise Control: Experimental Validation of Advanced Controllers on Scale-Model Cars, Aakar Mehra , Wen-Loong Ma , Forrest Berg , Paulo Tabuada , Jessy W. Grizzle and Aaron D. Ames, AMERICAN Control Conference (ACC 2015)
A Modular Robot, AMBER-3M
- [Link] Dynamic Walking on Slippery Surfaces: Demonstrating Stable Bipedal Gaits with Planned Ground Slippage, Wen-Loong Ma, Yizhar Or, Aaron Ames, the 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2019)
- [Link] Toward Benchmarking Locomotion Economy Across Design Configurations on the Modular Robot: AMBER-3M, Eric Ambrose, Wen-Loong Ma, Christian Hubicki and Aaron D. Ames, 1st IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, (CCTA 2017)
- [Link] Mechanics-Based Design of Underactuated Robotic Walking Gaits: Initial Experimental Realization, Matthew J. Powell, Wen-Loong Ma, Eric R. Ambrose and Aaron D. Ames, The 16th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2016)
Multi-Contact Walking
- [Link] Multi-contact bipedal robotic locomotion, Huihua Zhao, Ayonga Hereid, Wen-loong Ma and Aaron D. Ames, Robotica 2015.
- [Link] Human-inspired multi-contact locomotion with AMBER2. H.Zhao, W.Ma, M. Zegler, A.D. Ames, ACM/IEEE 5th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS2014), April, Berlin, Germany.
AMBER2, Walking with Feet
- [Link] Human-inspired Walking via Unified PD and Impedance Control, Wen-Loong Ma, Huihua Zhao , Shishir Kolathaya and Aaron D. Ames, 2014 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014)
- [Link] Composing Dynamical Systems to Realize Dynamic Robotic Dancing. Shishir Kolathaya, Wen-Loong Ma and Aaron D. Ames, in the Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
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